Posts Tagged ‘maryland’

Local Chaser Intercepts Montgomery Co. Tornadic Storm

(Posted by Annette Windsor )

The tornadic storm  that ran a 17 mile course across Montgomery Co. on June 13th was intercepted by Tom Windsor,  a local Damascus resident and storm chaser.   Earlier the fire department reported seeing the  tornado in Norbeck, as it crossed  Georgia Ave. and Norbeck Rd.

In his words and pictures :

“I intercepted the base of the mesocyclone around 4pm. at a golf course on New Hampshire Ave. and  Ednor Rd., southeast of the reported tornado site.  I drove east on Ednor around 4:10 p.m. and experienced  almost horizontal southerly  winds.  Then shortly after, the winds shifted rapidly in from the northwest  showing strong wind circulation.  I  later reported it to the National Weather service in Sterling, VA”.

 Local Chaser Intercepts Montgomery Co. Tornadic Storm

Base of mesocyclone, southeast of Olney / Norbeck Md 6/13/13

olneytorn3editb 300x224 Local Chaser Intercepts Montgomery Co. Tornadic Storm

Tornadic  cloud base, southeast of Olney / Norbeck , Md 6/13/13










 Local Chaser Intercepts Montgomery Co. Tornadic Storm

Tornadic cloud base w/ possible funnel , southeast of Olney / Norbeck , Md 6/13/13